Health and Safety Resources

Here are some useful Health and Safety Resources if you are wanting to learn more

Worksafe NZ Website: WorkSafe is New Zealand’s primary workplace health and safety regulator. They provide a lot of information on risks and how to manage them.  It is also the place where notify if there is an accident or injury at your work site. Click here to take you to the Notifications page.

SiteSafe Website: SiteSafe is a not-for-profit membership organisation that provides education and resources on best practice systems and behaviours known to improve on-site health & safety.

Health and Safety Consultant: If you need in-depth help with your Health and Safety you can get a Health and Safety Consultant to give you a hand. We have Health and Safety Consultants that work with us - if you would like to get in touch with one flick an email through to and he will get you in contact 

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