Adding a Photo to your Form
Want to show a particular hazard? Need a photo of an incident? You can upload and take photos within a Form.
In this Article
Attach a photo to a question
Every question type has the ability to attach a photo, this feature will appear automatically as soon as the question is answered on your Mobile App.
To do this:
- Open a form on the Mobile App
- Answer the question
- Click the photo icon (make sure you've allowed the app access to your camera in your mobile settings)
If you don't see the photo icon appear, then you may need to click on the question to expand it. This should open a new page with the photo icon appearing.
Set required photos
You may require a photo to be taken in your form. You can set up required images in a form using the form builder and the Add Image question type.
You can add the image answer type to a form by:
- Log in to the Web Console (Web)
- Go to Forms
- Edit the form you want to add photos to by clicking the pencil icon
- Click the Question icon
- Change the Answer Type to Image
- Click the required toggle to make sure it's a required question