Turning Forms off Completely

The forms you have received are tailored to your Work Activities. Although deleting forms is not an option, you may choose to disable them.

Turning a form off completely means that you won't access the form from the Mobile/Tablet. This feature works perfectly if you want to turn forms off that are Site App Pro default forms or forms that have been made at Group Level. 

We recommend turning off any forms that are irrelevant to your team, that way your account only has what you need. 

Turning Forms Off:

  1. Login to Computer Login (Administration Console) 
  2. Go to Forms
  3. Click the Pencil icon to edit the form 
  4. Open the Form Settings tab
  5. Change the Form Schedule to None
  6. Turn the Ad Hoc Toggle OFF, so the Toggle is Grey
  7. SAVE
Note: The form will now be hidden. If you need to bring the form back, simply click Show unused forms and reverse the schedule settings.

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