Changing Mobile Settings
Change the Mobile settings to suit you and the way your business does Health and Safety
There are multiple settings in the Mobile App that you can change to suit you and your team.
To find your Mobile Settings:
- Log in to the App
- Click the Menu Icon
- Go to Settings
Settings Options:
- Change them to light or dark mode
- Add images from the camera only | This will force your team to take a new photo each time, when this setting is on they won't get the option to select an already taken photo from their gallery
- Do not auto-fill time answers in Repeated Sections | If you have a Time answer type in a repeating section, this setting will stop it from automatically adding the same time answer in each section
- Display inline date and time shortcuts | This setting will display your date answer with a date shortcut to select +1 or +2 days from today's date
- Display inline answers for simple questions | This setting will display your questions inline, which will save you time from having to click into each question to answer it each time
- Allow quick access to recently selected Resources | This brings your recently selected resource in a form to the top of the list. This only applies when using the Resources - Select from the answer type