Analysis Dashboard

Use the Analysis Dashboard to track trends based on Completed Forms, Answers & Hazards. 

Feature Alert: This feature is available to our Premium and Enterprise Clients. For more information check out our pricing page

In this Article

Analysis Dashboard is an exceptional tool for gaining valuable insights. It allows you to track trends, correlate various types of answers and forms, and gain a better understanding of how your business has been managing its health and safety over the past year.

Note:  Export any of these Reports to a CSV by clicking the download icon

Completed Forms Analysis:

You can access the Completed Forms Analysis from the Dashboard by selecting Analysis. This offers a multitude of different options and filters to give you the exact view you want.

Date Picker Select the time frame you want to view the data for
Form or Chart Select the output you are after, a chart (graph) or a table of data
Time Frame Refine the time frame to display data by either month, week or day
Form Picker Pick the type of form data to display from the options Form Category, Form Name, Form Type, Organisation (for groups) and Site
Chart Format Choose the style of chart that best represents the data - Column, Curve or Line
Form Filter A dropdown will show the different types, categories and forms to refine your results further
Legend A dynamic legend that will update depending on the data being returned

Example: Showing the trend of Staff incidents

  1. Select the Chart type
  2. Select Month view
  3. Pick Form Category
  4. Select Curve for chart type
  5. Filter by Incident Form Category

Answer Analysis

You can utilize this feature similar to the Completed Forms view, found just below the Completed Forms Analysis. With this view, you can easily track and map form responses, question types, and the different forms you utilize:

Question Selector Select a general question type to show data for, this will collate across all form types/categories
Form Selector Select a specific form to return data
Question Selector Select which question in the selected form to show. Required if 'Form Selector' is being used
Date Picker Select the time frame you want to view the data for
Time Frame Refine the time frame to display data by either month, week or day
Form Picker Pick the type of form data to display from the options Form Category, Form Name or Form Type
Chart Type Choose the style of chart that best represents the data - Column, Curve or Line
Form Filter
A dropdown will show the different types, categories and forms to refine your results further

A dynamic legend that will update depending on the data being returned

Example: To show the number of deliveries received by each supplier:

  1. Select a Chart type
  2. Select Receiving a Delivery form
  3. Pick a Supplier name from the question list
  4. Select the last 12 months for the time frame
  5. Select Month view
  6. Select Text Answer
Note: Completed Forms will show all forms that have been completed (i.e. not drafts). Answer analysis will include answers from all forms (both completed and draft forms).

Drill Down on Analysis

Drill down on your trends even further using the  drill-down button. This Drill Down button will appear once you have set up your graph and have selected a filter to view. You can create endless reports and export each to a CSV or take a screenshot to save the image. 

For Example: 

You may want to see the number of Pre-Start forms filled on a site

  1. Select the Date Range
  2. Select Form Categories
  3. Click on the Start of the Day and apply the filter
  4. Click on the Drill Down button
  5. Select the Form name
  6. Click on Pre-Start
  7. Click on Drill Down
  8. Choose the Sites as your new filter

This report will now show you how many pre-start forms were filled out on these sites.

Hazard Board Analysis

Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the ability to view trends on Hazards added to your Hazard Board. You can use the Hazard Board Analysis to view the number of Hazards added per category, site, or status. 

Date Picker Choose to view the data by Month, Week or Day
Hazard Picker View the Hazards by None (this will show the count of all Hazards), Site, Hazard Category or Hazard Status (Live, Draft or Live Until)  
Chart Type Choose how you view the graph by Column, Curve or Line


Filter the chart to compare the data you want to see. Make sure you scroll down and select Apply to activate the choices you've selected

Example:  View what Site is logging the most Hazards in your organisation: 

  1. Select a site from the Hazard Picker.
  2. Choose a date range, such as "This Year" or "Last 3 Months."
  3. Apply filters to select specific sites for comparison.
  4. Select the desired sites to view.
  5. Click the "Apply" button to update the results.

View All Hazards by Category 

To get a quick overview of All Hazards grouped by Category and their respective number, simply apply the Date Range filter and view the snapshot. 

In this view, you can choose a Pie or Bar Chart. 

Note: Don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn how your business can use the Analysis Reports to suit you. 

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