Release Notes Feb 2024

In this Article:

New Form Builder

The Form Builder has been redesigned to enhance its usability. It is now supported by a full-screen responsive design, rather than a small pop-up window. This will enable users to have a usable layout, regardless of their screen resolution, and to view more form details at a glance. Check out the full article here

Dashboard Widget Selector

Widgets on the dashboard can now be turned on/off to show the most important ones. Setup is saved to the user's profile for a consistent view on any laptop.

Check-in & out

This new setting will ensure that the check-in & out distance will be displayed in miles. This setting is found under My Business>Settings.

Changing Form Name

Form names can now be changed, including Our Master forms and Group forms, this will be updated immediately once the focus is away from the main box.

Bug Fixes

  • A field worker cannot edit their own User Group from their profile on their App.
  • A note can now be added to a corrective action on close-out
  • Ad Hoc favourites now save to the User profile and will be there even after they log out from the App.
  • If a User is unarchived, they will now retain the User Groups that they were originally assigned to.

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