Setting up the WorkFlow & Approval for Admins
In this article :
Advanced Settings
The Form Builder now includes an Advanced Settings section to support advanced configurations for approval and workflow functionality. Following are 3 form configuration settings:
- Approvals
- Approval expiry & Numbering Prefix
- Workflows - Follow forms and tasks.
Admins can use this section to configure and assign approvers for a specific form. The Admins can select up to four mandatory approvers who are authorized to approve requests. The Approvers can be Individual users or User Groups.
To do this:
- Log in to your Web Console
- Go to the Forms Section
- You can either start a new form or edit an existing form
- Go to the Advanced Settings section
- To activate the approval workflow Switch the Toggle on
- Choose the Number of Approvers needed
- Choose the Assign Approvers - Assign to Either User Group or Individual User
- Make the Assign To selection connected to the Assignee type
- Done!
Expiry & Prefix Tab
This section allows you to set the maximum duration for work or approval and the form numbering prefix.
To do this:
- Log in to your Web Console
- Go to the Form
- You can either start a new form or edit an existing form
- Go to the Advanced Settings section
- Click on the Expiry & Prefix tab
- Select the Expiry Duration from the following options - Never, Days & Hours
- Set the Numbering Prefix - this will be part of the form numbering when a form is completed
- Done!
Workflow Numbering System
This setup allows the Admin to select the level at which your workflow numbering will be set to, Following are are 4 options available:
- Organisation Level numbering - This option allows you to have a unique numbering across your organisation
- Organisation Level & Form Category level numbering - This option allows you to have a unique numbering by each form category across your organisation
- Site/ Job/ Project Level numbering - This option allows you to have unique numbering for each site | project | job.
- Site/Job/ Project level & Form Category Level numbering - This option allows you to have a unique numbering for each Form category on each site| job| project. This option will be set as the default setting.
Workflow Tab
This is where you will set up follow-up tasks by adding forms that must be filled out once the main form is completed. You can assign the form to a user group, user, or submitter.
For instance, in the case of permits, after a request form has been completed and approved, several tasks will be assigned to the requester and the foreman as part of the job that the permit is related to. You can use the "Closeout trigger" toggle to indicate that this is the last task in the workflow.
To do this:
- Login to the Web Console
- Go to Forms
- Click on the Pencil Icon to edit
- Go to the Advanced Settings section
- Ensure you have set up the Approvals & the Expiry Preflix steps
- Click on the Workflow tab
- Click the Toggle to activate the workflow
- Click on the search bar to Find the form you want as a follow-up task
- Select the Assignee type - choose from Submitter | Individual | User Group
- Click the Close-out trigger - Once you have added all the required forms, you can set the final form to trigger the close-out process
- Click Done to save the workflow
- Click Save to save the form