Using Ad Hoc Forms

Ad Hoc forms act as a Form Library where you can access the forms you need at any time. 

Ad Hoc forms are a form library you can access on your App. These are all of the forms that don't run off a daily, weekly or monthly schedule. 

These forms can be accessed as many times throughout the day at any time you need. Each time you open an Ad Hoc form you get a new blank form. 

In this Article: 

Accessing Ad Hoc Forms

Ad Hoc forms are found on your Mobile App. 

To find Ad Hoc forms:

  1. Go to the To-Do List on your Mobile app.
  2. Click Ad Hoc Forms on the bottom right corner 
  3. Select the form you want to complete (you can use the search bar here or the all button to filter) 

Note: You can also access the Ad Hoc form from the Home Page by clicking the orange plus button

Favourite  Ad Hoc Forms

You may find that there are a lot of forms to choose from when you scroll through your Ad Hoc forms. If you find yourself using some Ad Hoc forms more frequently than others then you can list them as a 'Favourite'. 

  1. Simply click the Heart Icon next to your  favourite  Ad Hoc Forms 
  2. They will appear at the top under Favourite
  3. Easy as that! 

Favourite forms are set per device, this can be handy if you have people in your team who are required to complete different forms. Don't forget to let your team know to favourite the forms that are most relevant to them. 

Finding Completed Ad Hoc Forms 

Each time you open a form on the Ad Hoc page you get a new form. If you saved an Ad Hoc form as a draft or need to go back and view a completed Ad Hoc form then: 

  1. Go to the To-Do List or Home Screen
  2. Click the three lines in the top left corner to open the menu
  3. Go to Saved Forms 

Here you can see any forms you've completed on the App for the Site you're currently on. Want to learn a bit more? Check out this article on Saved Forms.

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