Using the Selected Resource Answer Type

Do you want to refer to a specific resource in your Form? Use the Select Resource Answer type

This answer type can be really useful when: 

  • Using a video or PDF as a training resource
  • Referring to a specific Health and Safety Document

Setting up your Form: Add your Resource, you can upload either a file or URL resource

  1. Go To Forms
  2. Make a Custom form or alter an existing form
  3. Click the Question tab
  4. Make answer type Selected Resources
  5. Select the Resource you want to show
  6. Save

Completing the Form

Here's what the question will look like in the form:

  1. Simply click the eye icon to open the Resource
  2. Once the Resource has been viewed you will need to go back to Site App Pro. Following are a few ways to get back to the mobile app.
    1. Close the external Resource that opened, then click back on the Site App Pro App
    2. Android Users - Click the button to the left of the home button. This will open all running apps, simply click back on the Site App Pro App.
    3. Apple Users -  Double-click the home button twice. This will open all running apps, simply click back on the Site App Pro App.
  3. Continue to complete the form as normal
  4. Once the form has been completed you can view the time the resource was first and last viewed.

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