Linking to a Completed form within a Form
Need to refer to another form in your Health & Safety Forms?
The Link to Completed Forms question type gives you the ability to link to a previously completed form when completing a form.
A few examples:
- Incident Investigation, refer back to the completed Incident form for the incident you are investigating
- Referring to a previously completed Risk Assessment while completing an Incident Report
- Making a completed form a talking point in a Toolbox Talk
How to Link Completed Forms
You can add this feature to a new form, or to an already existing form.
- Log in to the Web Console (Computer Login)
- Go to Forms
- Edit an existing form or create a custom form
- Add a Question
- Make the Answer Type: Link to Completed Form
- Select the Form Category that your Form is in
When you are selecting your linked form, this will bring up a list of all forms completed in the last 30 days in that category. If the form you are looking for is not there you will need to check:
- The date it was completed
- The form category (e.g. Hazard Analysis, Inspection Reporting, Start of Day, Troubleshooting, etc)