Group Reporting - Dashboard Reporting

You can use the Group Admin Dashboard to review your whole team engagement, see Dashboard Buckets, and track Group Form Statistics. 

The Group Dashboard is a powerful tool that gives you full visibility across the accounts in your Group. You can see your top engaging accounts, track what types of Forms have been completed, and review the statistics for any of your scheduled Forms. 

In this Article

  1. User Engagement 
  2. Dashboard Buckets
  3. Group Form Statistics 

User Engagement 

From the User Engagement Tab, you can view the Average Engagement Scores for the Month. You can use this to drive usage across your accounts by creating competitions based on who is using the best. You can also see who the top performer from each account. 

To use this:

  1. Log in to the Group Admin 
  2. Click on the Dashboard Tab 
  3. Hover over the account you would like to look into

This will show you:

  • Average Score 
  • Number of Active Users 
  • Best Engagement Score
Note: To learn more about the Engagement Score and how you can use it to create a positive attitude towards Health and Safety in your company check out our article here

Dashboard Buckets

The Dashboard Buckets section corresponds to the Dashboard Buckets in your individual accounts - it just shows the accumulated stats from across the whole Group. 

To use this:

  1. Login to the Group Admin 
  2. Click on the Dashboard Tab 
  3. Select the Dashboard Buckets Tab 
  4. You can Set the date range from This Month, Last 7 Days, This Week, Today, and Custom

What are the standard Dashboard Buckets:

  • Completed Scheduled Forms 
  • New Staff 
  • Inductions 
  • Toolbox Talks
  • Risk Assessment 
  • Near Misses 
  • Incidents

You can change the names of these buckets and what Forms link to them so that you can see what is relevant to you | Customising the Dashboard

Group Form Statistics 

The last tab on the Group Dashboard is the Group Form Statistics. This will show you all the stats for the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly scheduled Forms. You can then see the expected number of Forms that should be completed and the number of Forms that have been completed. 

To use this:

  1. Login to the Group Admin 
  2. Click on the Dashboard Tab 
  3. Select the Group Form Statistics Group 
  4. You can Filter by Org, Form Scheduling, and Date.  

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