Frequently Asked Questions

Site App Pro Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why am I getting orange circles beside my forms?

A. When filling out a form, certain fields are mandatory and are marked with a * symbol. If you attempt to save the form without filling in all required fields, you will see an orange circle next to it. If you're filling out the form on a mobile device and get interrupted, don't worry - you can save your progress and come back to it later to finish filling it out.

Q. Why can’t I edit some of the fields in the template form?

A. Certain fields on a form may display a padlock icon instead of a "rubbish bin." These locked fields, whether they contain text or questions, cannot be deleted. They are locked because your group administrator has deemed them mandatory.

Q. What file formats can I upload as a Resource?


Q. How do I manage Closed Days and Seasonal Closures?

A. This question and answer involve multiple aspects. If your business is closed on Sundays and Mondays, you can adjust your Form Schedules to prevent daily forms from appearing on those days (refer to the Scheduling a Form article for guidance). If you only operate during certain summer months, you may want to turn off all your forms in the Form Schedules when you close for the season and then turn them back on before you reopen. 

Q. Can I fill out forms when logging in from the Administration Console (computer login)?

A. Forms are only completed from the mobile application, either from the Home Screen, To Do List, or Ad Hoc Forms Tab. The 'Dashboard Activity Stream' and the 'Reports, 'Completed Forms' pages in the web-based Admin Console show you a summary and the details of the forms that have been completed but, (at least at this point) you cannot complete a new form or edit a form from the web. 

Q.  Will Site App Pro work without a network connection or offline?

A. Yes, you can use Site App Pro with no network connection. The key to this is to make sure that you  log in to the app when you have access to Wi-Fi or Data. 

Q. How do I add a photo to a Yes/No question?

A. Yes/No questions close immediately after answering to attempt to speed up the form-filling process. To add a photo to them, simply click on the question again, and the yellow photo icon will be in the bottom left corner. This process also applies to Yes/No/NA, OK/NA, Multichoice and Select from list questions.

Q. How many Completed Forms can I view from the App? 

A. You can view up to a year's worth of data from the Saved Forms Tab on the App. 

Q. How do I reset my password?

A. To reset your login follow the steps in this article here

Q. Does Site App Pro support .online email id?

A. Yes, we support .online Email ID

Q. How do I delete my account?

A. To delete your account, you have two options. You can either send an email to our support team or use your mobile app. If you choose to use the app, simply click on the support button in the menu bar, then click on the "Delete Account" button. This will prompt a short form that needs to be completed. Once you've filled out the form, our support team will take care of the rest.

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