What is a Group?

A Group enables you to have an umbrella account where you can set standardised Forms, Resources, Suppliers etc. 

This article will cover what it means to have a Group and what you can set up from Group Level. 

In this Article 

What is a Group 

A Group is an umbrella account that enables you to set standardised Forms, Suppliers, Resources, and User Groups across multiple accounts. This is perfect if you have franchisees, multiple divisions/locations in your company, or if you manage multiple accounts. It also enables you to access Reporting from a Group Level. This means you can access data for Hazards/Incidents across your accounts.

Group Admin Login

To access your Group you need to be set up as a Group Admin. This gives you the ability to: 

  1. Create new accounts within your Group 
  2. View all the accounts within your Group and their Dashboards
  3. Set Group-wide Forms, Resources, Suppliers, and User Groups
  4. Access Reporting from data collected from all the accounts within your Group

 Important to know

  1. Group Admin can only access the Web Console (computer side).
  2. A Group Admin cannot log into each Account within the Group
  3.  If you want to login to each organisation you will need to be set up with an Admin login for each specific organisation 

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